1月24日 Gatsby Glamour theme party 仙吧盖茨比魅力派对

Gatsby-Party-Xian.jpg1月24日 (周四),月光之城将盖茨比主题派对带到“仙吧”(东隅酒店一层). This Thursday, Moonglow Burlesque will create the glamorous Gatsby atmosphere at Xian Bar to celebrate end of the year and let everyone to experience and enjoy the vintage vibe and the glamour of Jazz Age in a casual and interactive way. The showgirls will have a few live performances, will be taking photos with guests, giving out prizes, and teaching how to do the 1920s dance craze – the Charleston!


All ladies can enjoy a complimentary glass of bubbles from 8 to 10 pm, and take 50% off selected bottles of bubbles all night long. The best dressed couple can expect some special prizes from EAST, Beijing. So get on your most splendid attire! 晚8时至10时全场女士可获赠一杯免费起泡酒,整晚购买指定起泡酒可享半价优惠。更有全场最佳服饰奖和特别礼品在等你。穿上最漂亮的1920年代服饰,与仙吧一起舞蹈,干杯,欢度新春的到来。

8-10 PM, Free entry 免费入场
酒仙桥路22号北京东隅酒店 EAST Beijing, 22 Jiuxianqiao Lu
电话: 8414 9810

Gatsby Charleston.gif

1月19日 Winter Follies 冬季富丽秀 Dinner Show

winter-follies千万不要错过1月19日”冬季富丽秀”终场大秀! 随着春节假期的来临,亿多瑞站的晚餐秀场,将你带入家庭和好友聚会的快乐节日氛围。

Don’t miss the chance to see the final big show of the Winter Follies, Holiday revue on January 19th! While the holiday vibes are still in full spin with Chinese New Year approaching, we would like to invite you to a family friendly dinner show at Eudora Station.

Enjoy dinner and drinks while listening to vintage jazz music and winter themed songs by our fabulous singer Jojo Nightingale, as well as delightful sexy dance acts and chorus lines by Moonglow showgirls – all in extravagant Gatsby style! READ MORE


日期 DATE: 1月19日 JANUARY 19 周六
时间 TIME: 19:30 演出开始 Show starts 19:30; 22:00 – after party with live band
门票 TICKETS: 130-180 元 /人 (pre-sale. 含一杯鸡尾酒 including a welcome drink)
场地 VENUE: Eudora Station 亿多瑞站: 芳园西路6号(丽都广场对面)#6 Fang Yuan West Road (opposite Lido Place)


在观看歌舞表演同时和朋友及家人享受美食美酒。此秀适合任何年龄阶段,虽然成年人可以品尝到具有暗示性的滑稽风格和戏弄性的舞蹈动作,但孩子们可以欣赏到舞台上的欢乐,风趣的表演和复古华丽(而不是太暴露!)的服装,以及假日主题中生动的角色扮演。This show is suitable for any age! While the adults can savor the suggestive burlesque style and the teasing dance moves, the kids can appreciate the colorful (and not too revealing!) costumes, holiday tunes and vivid characters we bring out for this show. Fun for the whole family!!


1月5日 Burlesque Workshops 盖茨比风格舞蹈+造型工作坊

B03R1830Part 1 – Flapper Dance
第一部分:查尔斯顿舞 (20年代复古舞)

14:00-15:30, 200 元 / 人

Learn a fun and energetic Charleston dance routine from the 1920s, a few sultry feather boa tricks, and even how to tease and strip satin gloves with charm and grace! Early jazz music called “Ragtime” combined with cheeky sexy moves and kicks makes it really joyful to learn. 我们将在课程里学习一个有趣而充满活力的20年代编舞!你将学习到使用羽毛围巾的技巧,如何优雅的脱掉手套,同时充满挑逗的魅力,还有早期的雷格泰姆爵士音乐加上可爱的踢腿动作,给你带来欢乐的学习时光!

No dance experience necessary! 无需舞蹈经验. SIGN UP 报名

Part 2 – Gatsby Style

16:00-18:30, 300 元 / 人

Trixie will teach you how to create that flapper look by yourself for a Gatsby party, performance, or any other occasion without professional tools or help. Trixie会向大家教授如何打造20年代的摩登女郎造型,让你在盖茨比风格聚会或者其他场合中美丽动人。


12月29日 Winter Follies 盖茨比风格歌舞汇演 Burlesque Show @ Modernista

WF-Modernista-1229.jpgWe hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a warm cozy week! But now it’s time to let the hair down and kick the heels high to welcome in the new year! Let the holidays continue with Moonglow Burlesque’s Gatsby themed burlesque show at Modernista this Saturday, December  29th!

美好温暖的圣诞周刚刚过去!是时候甩起秀发,登上高跟鞋欢庆新年的到来! 12月29日(周六)在Modernista举办的月光之城盖茨比主题宝乐思将让假期继续!

On this night you will have another chance to be dazzled by the marvelous performance and divine voice of Moonglow’s new songstress Jojo Nightingale! 这个夜晚,你将有机会欣赏月光之城新星Jojo 夜莺般的奇妙表演和迷人声线!

日期 DATE: 12月29日 DECEMBER 29 (周六 Saturday)
时间 TIME: from 21:00 免费进场 FREE ENTRANCE
场地 VENUE: Modernista 宝钞胡同44号 #44 Baochao Hutong

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12月24日 Christmas Burlesque show


On Christmas eve Moonglow showgirls invite you to Inception bar for a celebration together! There will be the highlight performances from Winter Follies, all in the Christmas spirit and Gatsby style!! FREE ENTRANCE! So come on down after you Christmas dinner, anytime starting from 9 PM for a glamorous vintage night with classy cocktails, champagne and tantalising entertainment!

时间 TIME: Show starts 21:30 演出开始
场地 VENUE: Inception 印普  东城区新中街乙12号紫铭大厦一层
Book a table: 6466-6967

12月15日 Winter Follies 冬季富丽秀 Holiday Revue

After three months of performing a classy and elegant 1930s cabaret, Moonglow Burlesque is breaking loose with a new season program – Winter Follies, Holiday revue. Time to let the hair down and kick the heels high to welcome in the festive mood of winter holidays! 经典优雅的30年代歌舞经过三个月后将告一段落。在冬季节日即将临近时,穿上最耀眼的礼服和高跟鞋, 加入月光之城最新推出的“冬季富丽秀 ”!


Let’s get crazy and celebrate Christmas and New Year with a bang – Gatsby style!! Flappers, feathers, shimmering gold, colorful costumes and new dance acts await you at the Winter Follies gala. 让我们疯狂的庆祝圣诞节和新年的Bang!- 盖茨比风格、时髦裙装女郎、羽毛 、闪闪发光的金色、五颜六色的衣着,及冬季富丽秀上最新的表演正在等着你!


The premiere of Winter Follies will be held on DECEMBER 15th at the new magnificent cocktail bar in Chunxiulu area called “INCEPTION“.冬季富丽秀将在12月15日(周六)在华丽的”INCEPTION”印普酒吧(春秀路)拉开帷幕。

日期 DATE: 12月15日 DECEMBER 15 周六
时间 TIME: 21:30 演出开始 Show starts 21:30
场地 VENUE: Inception 印普  东城区新中街乙12号紫铭大厦一层
着装要求 DRESS CODE: 礼服/ 盖茨比 Black Tie Optional / Gatsby

门票 TICKETS: 200元 /人 (含一杯鸡尾酒 including a drink)